Residency Policies, Expectations and Rotation Guides

Program policies and expectations

Code of Professional Conduct

Summa Health's Internal Medicine Residency prepares well-rounded physicians for practice or fellowship in their chosen sub-specialty. To Accomplish this, a focus must be given to the development of professional competence including clinical skills, medical knowledge, ethical principles and medical-legal logistics--all with guidance and supervision.
Code of Professional Conduct

Milestone Improvement and Remediation Policy

Residents who are identified as experiencing significant difficulties with achieving process along the Milestones may require enhanced intervention to address specific deficiencies.
In these scenarios, REEAC will form a subcommittee to decide if a resident would benefit from an Enhanced Improvement Plan (EIP)
Enhanced Improvement Plan (EIP) Policy

Dr. Moore and Chiefs Program Orientation

Dr. MooreDr. Hatch and Dr. Kenyhercz

Board Prep Policy

In keeping with Summa Health's Internal Medicine Residency's core mission - to prepare medically, professionally, and interpersonally well-rounded physicians for practice and for preparation for the ABIM board exam.

We believe that progression through MKSAP multiple times as a resident is crucial. This program provides a framework of accountability that helps ensure this progression. At a minimum, each resident should get through MKSAP once every academic year which can be accomplished with the below stated program.
Board Prep Policy

Fatigue and Health Condition Policy

What should a resident do if a health condition, fatigue or any other situation occurs which they believe could prevent them or a fellow resident from providing safe and effective patient care?
Fatigue Policy

Other Program Polices

Pink Slips, Yellow Slips, Green Slips & RestraintsResident Involvement & Supervision with Non-Teaching Patients
(Code Blues, Stroke Teams, Rapid Responses)

Rotation Goals, Expectations, and Resources

Internal Medicine Clinic (IMC)

Please visit the IMC webpage for goals, expectations, and resources
IMC Page

Med Team
(Inpatient Medicine Service)

Please visit the Med Team webpage for goals, expectations, and resources
Med Team Page

Point Of Care Ultrasound

An elective rotation to hone your ultrasound skills, learn to perform, interpret, and integrate POCUS into your inpatient or outpatient practice!

Addiction Medicine


On Call/Night Float
