IMC Clinical Resources

Clinical Resources
In the IMC you will have training in all aspect of outpatient primary care. Visit this page frequently for resources to aid in your learning and growth. Resources from workflow, pharmacy, procedures, and new treatments can all be found here.

We care for a very diverse community with a wide range of needs in our clinic. Below you will find links for resources to help you learn common diseases you will encounter.
HTN Guideline Summary
NEJM Acute Severe HTNCholesterol GuidelinesProstate Cancer InfographicGold COPD HandoutJAMA CKDJAMA Asthma HandoutAGA NAFLD ManagementAnnal's Preop EvaluationDerm and Topical Steroid HandoutEKG InterpretationMOCA Exam InstructionsMOCA Test HandoutContinuous Glucose Monitor HandoutPharmacy Resources for ResidentsHepatitis C Treatment